My family

My family

Friday, September 28, 2012


So these are just some end of the week randoms...the week before Jake's party we had dozer work and concrete poured for patios. This week we had some new windows put in. They are my favorite project so far. Well I take that back, the garage is ranked pretty high up there too (the door anyway) lol!
I looove home makeovers ...even though we are only doing a few things. Wish we could do the entire house!

This is the "before" windows picture..

This is the after picture :) We had 3 big picture windows installed in the living room/dining room. They are beautiful! Also, more energy efficient :)

Love the view even more now

Another one...

Then we had all 8 (4 on side of house, 4 on the other) of these replaced... supposed to help with heat/cold... 

Jake eating dinner at his table haha!

He loves the "do-do" so much!

Working on his tool bench 

We took back a few gifts that were doubles at his party and got this bball goal. I'm not even kidding.. he is a natural. I mean, look at his form ;) He even flipped his wrist! LOL!

Pic of the windows busted out...

To replace the windows they had to bust these out... hence the fb status "will the cleaning ever end"... I've been finding glass EVERYWHERE. 

From the patio view... we still have so much work to do.. we will eventually stain the concrete too.. but I am already in love! 

Jake got to sit in the electric truck... he cracks me up with all these work trucks... obsessed!

Girls night last week - tried out the movie lounge... it was neat :) This was the best pic I could get (too dark) the waiter dude was so shaky! He said he had too many red bulls..... ???? ha!

Sweeeeetest boy ever! In bed with me... I had to take a pic b/c this NEVER happens... he had a nightmare b/c when I went to get him at 5:30 am he was screaming and shaking and said something about a shark. OMG how sad! 

Concrete guys smoothin it out... so cool to watch

More dozer time... or backhoe I mean ;)

Best buddies.... he was just watching tv with his arm her... funny stuff!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Josh will be back from Kansas soon... I hope he brings home a big one'! Woohoo! 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

"It's a PARTYYY"

Jake woke up from his nap Saturday afternoon and looked out the window and said "It's a partyyyy" with a huge smile on his face :) He was so so excited about his birthday party. We've been talking about it all week, pumping him up for it, naming all his friends that would be there. One morning he was laying in bed with me and I heard him whispering real soft to himself "Brock and Ruby and Colten"... melt. my. heart. 

We've had dozer work and concrete trucks and all kinds of stuff going on at our house this week. Josh has been working from the time his feet hit the floor until he crashes on the couch which has been around 10:30 at night, sometimes without eating... I don't wake him up b/c I know he is exhausted. Poor guy. Good thing Jake's party was "Construction" themed... b/c we still have dozers at the house and dirt everywhere! 

Josh and I worked all day Saturday getting ready for the party and Payton came early to help decorate while I made chili and brownie cupcakes. Later my mom and Russ, Robbie, my dad and Cathy all came out to help me do a few last minute things too. Like I said, it's been chaos at my house all week so we had to pretty much do everything last minute as far as cleaning... we had the party in the shop and it was beyond disgusting! 

Everyone showed up around 4... some later and that was great because the party didn't end until Jake passed out around 11:00 p.m. Payton grilled hot dogs, and I made chili along with other snacks. We had so much fun and ate so much!!! The cake was AHHH-mazing! I can't stop eating the leftovers today. The kids played on the bounce around, ate, ran, ate some more, bounced some more... they all had a permanent dirt ring around their mouth, ha! Jake was overwhelmed. He was so excited he just walked in circles and looked at everything. So sweet. We came in after most everyone had left except for a few friends and family and watched the good ol' Razorbacks... well I didn't... and mostly everyone griped... that's another story though, ha! We ate some more hahaha.. and let the kids play. They were CRAZY! We laughed so hard. Overall, it was such a great day. I'm glad my little man had a super fun birthday party. He is so blessed with friends and family who love him so much. Josh and I are too for that fact :) GOOD GOOD DAY! Love making priceless memories. 

This pic was on his actual birthday (9-15-12) @ Shoguns

They fixed him up a little ice cream ;)

Happy Happy Happy :)))

My baby is 2!!!! *tear

He wouldn't look at the camera lol!

That's about the best picture I could get with his daddy :)

Construction Party!!!!

This cake tasted like a Little Debbie "Ding-Dong" lol! YUUUUUMMMMM!

The candy rocks were delish too! 

He would NOT blow out his candles (shy?!?!)... so hilarious... 

The bounce-around was a huge hit! 
(and my camera skills were horrible... I was way too busy to try to set my manual settings just right.. so disappointed in myself...I don't do well under pressure lol) 

Opening gifts...

Happy 2nd Birthday PARTY little man! It was a great one! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

6 wonderful years!

I was in the middle of this blog Sunday when our power went off, so I am finishing today. Sept 16, 2006 I married my best friend, my love, my everything! Best decision ever! 

Back up to 2005. Wow, was my life ever in a whirlwind. I was transitioning from A LOT and going through a lot of changes within myself. I had decided to take a break from college and join the Air Force. Yep - craziness. Not that the Air Force is crazy but ME joining was crazy haha! I was out to dinner with Sarah, our usual Thursday night, when we ran into Josh and some other VB friends of Sarah's and that's where it all started. I was pretty much done with dating at the time and was looking for nothing but friendship. That's exactly what Josh was looking for too. We became friends instantly but we fell in love... and fast. Never seen it coming. I had never been so happy in all my life, seriously, that may sound cliche but it was real.. still is :) I decided after a few months not to go through with the Air Force thing because I knew I joined for the wrong reasons. Josh and I dated for 11 months before we got married. He taught me SO much during those months and I finally felt PURE and complete happiness with my life and within myself again. I had never had someone uplift me the way he did/does. Someone who encouraged me. Someone who truly LOVED ME. He still continues to amaze me and teach me things. We have grown so so much from where we started. We have began a family and he is an amazing daddy. I look up to him, I cherish him, I am proud of him, he is honestly my very best friend, a person I absolutely love talking to. Communication used to be a weakness of mine until Josh brought the best of it out in me. Without communication there is nothing. Don't get me wrong we argue like every other couple... but they are few and far between. I'm not trying to be overly sappy in that we have the perfect marriage because we don't. Marriage is work but so worth every minute of it. 

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
LOVE LOVE LOVE this scripture. My dad quoted this at our wedding. :)

So to my husband of 6 wonderful years, I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for all you do for me and Jake. You're my favorite ;)

(Random pictures over the past 6 years...)

Sept 16, 2006

The first piece of land we bought. Overlooking Lake Fort Smith.

Cabin Days. We lived in a tiny one roomed cabin when we got married. Will NEVER ever regret that. I believe we became closer than ever living there :)

Always on the 4wheeler. I remember now what we did before kids ;) lol

Standing in front of the house I lived in when I was 3. It's now under water @ Lake Fort Smith

The first dog we owned ;)

Never a dull moment haha

The first house we bought. Man, it looks a lot different now.

I've converted Josh to a skier lol!

Lola haha...

Anniversary trip

another anniversary trip

My first birthday with Josh

Josh's first birthday with me ;)

Josh's old house.. barley dating here ;) love this pic haha

Having our first sweet baby :) My biggest supporter! 

Then we became 3 :) 

Can't begin to describe my love for him. 

Our little man! 

Love my sweet family
