My family

My family

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

31 & Blessed :)

Most of y'all know I like to celebrate my birthday all month long :) This year, obviously I was excited to eat and eat some more. So that's what I've been doing. I still have plans to party it up this weekend (Friday at work and Sunday at Nanny's). More yummy food!
I received a lot of sweet texts and messages on my birthday. I sure am a lucky gal and sometimes I take that for granted. I've been drowning in my misery of homework, tiredness, swollenness, pregnancy, just life in general of a full time working momma. I had 3 texts back to back to remind me just how blessed I am and what an exciting year 31 will be for me. I admit, I teared up sitting at home with a smile on my face, thinking YES - this is going to be a great year! College graduate, bringing home a new baby boy, we will be a family of 4!!!! House hunting or building still in the works and many more exciting things to come... different job opportunities, I don't know but I know God has a plan for me and my family and I'm excited to see what lies ahead.
Jake had to be in the picture lol... headed to a retirement party for a guy from Josh's work... (parties we attend are different the older we get HAHA!)

My birthday lunch date - I took off work to spend the day with this sweetheart!

Melinda got me this cake... and decorated it... she knows the way to my heart with those little Cadbury Eggs :)

Birthday night.. Josh surprised me and invited a few friends to join us for dinner at AJ's :) I thought it was just going to be us two... he's a sneaky one :)
Hope everyone is having a great week... I wore flip flops today even though it's like 40 degrees :/ My feet hurt... I had no choice!

Monday, March 3, 2014


Woohoo for March! Yuck for this weather though! Seriously, I've had enough. Even though I am fat and prego I am ready for warm weather and sandals! :)
Here are just a few pics I had on my phone...
Jake and Aunt Shae-Shae riding ... love the scenery at my dad's!

Saturday night I drove up to see Sarah and take her out for her birthday since I didn't get to see her on the actual day... and well, she won't get to see me on mine, and she is fixing to have baby G! This girl is dilated to a 5 and I had her out walking the streets in Fay town LOL!  I was hoping her water would break when she was with me haha! So excited to meet baby Georgie...and look at sweet Ruby in this picture... hand on her hip and all. I'm 28 weeks here and Sarah is 39 :)

Then there's this little cutie... gah I sure do love him!
Look how grown up Miss Shae is...

She is in a pageant March 15th .. hopefully I will be here to watch her. My bday falls on a Friday this month... not sure what I want to do yet... either have Josh take me to the races or to a bball game in OKC... but I think I might have to wait a different weekend to do those things.. looks like my schedule will be busy the weekend of my birthday. As long as this prego can get a good meal, I'll be happy :) ha!
Pregnancy is going great. I am definitely bigger this go round'! This boy (who still doesn't have a name) is gonna be big! Or maybe I've been eating a lot. lol!
Hope everyone has a great week!