My family

My family

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Something I wish I dealt better with...worrying. It does no good to worry though. I've worried about Jake this past week, I worry about my family, Josh's trip, everything fixing to get busy, school/etc. Worried about friends going through hard times, worried about sickness, you name it...worry wart!

What I need to do is pray. So that I have been doing, a lot of. More praying and less time on the Internet. More family time and thanking God for his blessings. Less worrying about things I can not control.

This week is going to be tough mentally and emotionally but I'm turning it over to God.......


  1. So proud of you! Worry can grip our hearts, but like you said, at the end of the day it gets us no where! Praying for you this week and in the weeks to come that God will be your strength, your song, and that HE will fill your heart and mind with peace! Love YOU!!

  2. I wish there was a like button on this blog! I struggle with worrying too, but you're right. I think the more we communicate with the Christ and give things to him, the less we'll worry. It's easier said than done sometimes, but I think we'll get there. Hope this week goes better than expected.
