My family

My family

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten

Well we made it through open house and the first day with all smiles and no tears from Jake or MOM. :) #winning. Here are a few pictures from the first week.

Finding his desk

Checking out all the neat things in class

he loves Mrs. Moody's Airedale dog 

Class with Ruby :)

Seeing a long lost friend/cousin .. Miss Madley Jo

This was "Great Start" 1/2 day :) 

So big! 


First homework assignment lol 

Will on his first day of preschool at his new school ... side note: he hates it. 

First day of school :) 

No tears ha!

End of day... he did great!


Second day pic 

Week 2: 
We have started Jake on the bus. He loves it so much! I was a nervous wreck and gave myself a headache worrying so much. I even called the school to make sure he made it there. Ugh. He's too little to ride the bus! Will is still adjusting to Ready, Set, Grow. So far in the mornings he is screaming like crazy. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my last week at Arkansas Valley Electric. Nine long years working here... but I finally got a better job offer working for the Fort Smith Schools as the Payroll Specialist. Excited but also very scared! I feel like AVE is all I know. I have prayed for a new job opportunity and this door opened easy, so I felt like I should go for it. I also pray that I am not putting my family in more stress with driving more and leaving real awesome benefits at AVE. We will see what the Lord has in store for me and my family.... prayers are appreciated. 
